
Pull up a chair. Not that one! It's still damp from the drink that got tipped all over it. That's it, get comfy and we can get started on our chat. I'll just put the kettle on...

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

A proper school girl now

It doesn't seem possible. My little girl has finished her first year at school. When she goes back in September she will be in Year 1 - proper school, no longer reception class. She still loves school as much as she did the first day and is very excited about getting a new teacher. Me? I am proud of my independent, enthusiastic, smart little 'big' girl and I grab the cuddles when I can :D

1 comment:

Victoria Ann said...

Yes, she looks really cute and proud in her school uniform! You should cherish every moment, cause it goes so so quickly.

Question- Does the holidays effect your working? I am struggling to get anything done at the moment!