
Pull up a chair. Not that one! It's still damp from the drink that got tipped all over it. That's it, get comfy and we can get started on our chat. I'll just put the kettle on...

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Anatomy of a mummy

So this morning I was sitting on the edge of the bed getting dressed, as you do. My little boy, aged two and a half, came in for a cuddle. Then he touched my belly button and asked me where my penis was. I told him mummy's don't have penises. Then he placed a little hand on each of my bra-clad breasts, pulled his t-shirt up and asked "Why I not have boobs?" I think I might be raising a boob man!


debsmuddle said...

They do start young don't they ??

ThePeachTree said...

Haha!! I LOVE the curiosity level :) May as well get it all straightened out now!

KMCdesigns said...

Tell him that little boys don't have boobs, but he will when he grows up to be a big girl.
That one used to confuse the heck out of me, but I turned out alright....