
Pull up a chair. Not that one! It's still damp from the drink that got tipped all over it. That's it, get comfy and we can get started on our chat. I'll just put the kettle on...

Monday 18 May 2009

Criminal cuddling

I'll have to write this quickly, because the baby police will be here any minute to arrest me. My crimes? There are so many... my charge sheet will probably list the following: cuddling baby too often for too long; not putting the baby down when she's asleep; picking the baby up whenever she cries; picking the baby up when she's not crying; letting the baby get used to being carried when I'm doing housework - I could go on.

Why must I not let her 'get used' to being cuddled lots? I didn't have her to spend all my time 'teaching' her to be by herself, preferably quietly. I had her to spend all my time cuddling her. And I will carry on cuddling her, no matter how many well-intentioned people advise against it. My baby needs love and I need to give it to her!


Bigbluebed said...

Hooray for cuddling!!

Daisie said...

If there really were baby police of such a nature I'd have been locked up years ago!! I loved my ring sling for housework, happy baby and clean house, what could be wrong with that?!
Keep cuddling!

Vicky x said...

Hmm, I've got the happy baby bit cracked - the clean house bit needs more work!

Daisie said...

I run a breastfeeding support group which we affectionately call Boobie Club, in answer to your question.