
Pull up a chair. Not that one! It's still damp from the drink that got tipped all over it. That's it, get comfy and we can get started on our chat. I'll just put the kettle on...

Thursday, 2 April 2009


Spending time looking at post-pregnancy clothes online - oh how I look forward to wearing something more me again. I will be checking out abibansaldesign on Etsy/Folksy as soon as her new collection is ready. I coveted her linen tops before I got pregnant and now I have the image in my mind as a reward when all the babymaking is over.

I'm booked in to be induced next Friday, so the end is in sight...

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Not quite labouring

So, I've been having uncomfortable contractions for about 3 weeks now, but since Tuesday they've been keeping me awake at night and making me catch my breath... good news, you'd think. Nope. A visit to the labour ward revealed I'm 1-2cms dilated and not in what they call 'established' labour. Back home to wait for an indefinite period of time, with conflicting advice about whether to walk, rest or what. Babies!