Where did the holidays go? Back in July, six weeks seemed like a long time. Here we are, over halfway through August and the days have just rushed by. Well they have for me, at least. My small boy has taken to asking his sister if she's going back to school now, so I think time ticks more slowly for him!
We decided to divide and conquer for the last two days. Mr Old Bag had a couple of interviews in the London area, so he took The Girl Wonder down to his parents in Watford overnight and my little man and me stayed home. We've missed the other half of our family, but we've had a lovely snuggly cuddly couple of days. He is such a cuddly boy - he especially enjoyed snuggling up under the blankets in my bed after he woke up this morning, so much so that he dropped off again and we both got another half hour.
Now we need to plan a reverse operation, girly time for me and The Girl and boy fun for the other two. (And possibly even some Mr and Mrs time, if we can rope in an obliging grandparent...)